Modern Internet has densely integrated ads of different types. It is not surprising as Internet audience exceeds TV, newspaper and radio one in dozens times. It is much easier and less expensive to inform people with the help of the ads on the Internet. Everything should be balanced, hence there shouldn’t be too much advertisement so that website users and its administrator were pleased; there should be such amount of it so that it does not annoy users and there was no need for block ads.
By no means all administrators keep to this “golden mean” adding onto their websites maximum amount of ads thinking that it will “promise the moon”. In fact, they are mistaken as most of Internet users simply leave such websites during the first seconds of their visit - sometimes it is very difficult to find necessary content there.
The term MFA-sites exists on the web and they are intended for earning money by means of contextual advertising Google Adsense. Such websites first of all pursue the aim of monetization, while content of high quality is almost always absent on them. It is hardly surprising that most of users lose patience and install free ad block software, which removes even nonintrusive and sometimes very useful ones.
Free ad block software AdBlock Plus
If a user types request “free ad block software” in search system, in the first positions he will see AdBlock Plus extension being nowadays rather popular in its sphere. It has received high rating due to effectiveness: it blocks absolutely all ads including annoying banners, pop-up windows, and sometimes very interesting contextual one. We emphasize AdBlock Plus works also on such websites as YouTube, Facebook, Vkontakte. Extension is supported by all modern browsers including ones on the basis of Chromium (Google Chrome, etc.), Internet Explorer (beginning with the earliest versions and finishing with the last one), Safari, Opera, etc.
If you have AdBlock Plus installed or you are going to install it in the nearest future, you should know some peculiarities, which may completely change your relationship to this block software and Internet ads.
Is it necessary to remove completely all advertising?
Many users do not realize advertisement is the only the source of income for many web-masters as it is their way to bring home the bacon. Due to ads placing websites have an opportunity to continue their existence on the Internet, post useful content for users, pay copywriters, designers, content-managers and other specialists for their job. At last, web-masters have to pay for their domain and hosting, and if website is rather popular, it always costs a pretty penny.
Adequate administrators understand all users have some definite amount of patience to external references. Many Internet-users have already learnt to pay attention to ads not interesting for them. Contextual blocks from Google AdSense usually fit general picture of the site to the extent, when they become simply unnoticeable for the range of users. At the same time those users, who are interested in these blocks, will definitely see them.
Hence switching AdBlock Plus off you deprive web-masters of income not only for domain, hosting and project development, but also for earning his living, normal kids’ upbringing etc. AdBlock Plus extension is intended to struggle against websites, which abuse advertisement, and in application settings there are filters blocking only some definite its kinds (or whole sites), which belong to category of "annoyers".
Our website is a free video editor and it suggests you creating video exclusively at the cost of contextual ads, which can not be called annoying by definition, as it is shown to users according to their interests. Nothing can be stated categorically, but you should think twice before cutting off blocks on our video editing online service with the help of AdBlock Plus. Think of benefits brought by it.
How to switch off ad block exclusively for our online video editor

Ad blocking software AdBlock Plus is installed into every browser definitely according to standards of used browser, so the way to switch off AdBlock Plus on our video resource is to be considered separately in all browsers, especially taking into account the fact that not all users have an “advanced” status.
Install AdBlock Plus for Chrome and add site to its list of exceptions. Free ad block software AdBlock Plus is installed the easiest from the settings menu. You should click icon “Setting and control” in the upper right corner, go to tab “Settings” and then “Extensions”. You should type “AdBlock Plus” in search line. A page with possible extensions for download will be open in front of you and among them there will be present simply AdBlock. Above-mentioned extension was created by a completely different programmer, though it contains almost the same functions (it blocks ads as well), but it is a little incomplete. So, you should choose free ad block software AdBlock Plus from the list and install it. Going to website you will see a pop-up message with request to add the site to the list of exceptions.
You can add the resource to the list of exceptions clicking with the left button of the mouse icon AdBlock Plus located in the upper right corner (next to setting icon) and containing initials “ABP”. After that a window will open and there you should transmit extension into the state of “switched off” on this site. It looks in such a way:
Let’s switch off AdBlock Plus in Chrome and Opera

You can download supplement in the menu of supplement installation. The supplement cuts down all advertisement on our video service. The ad blocking software is switched off in Opera in the same way as in Google Chrome browser:
Let’s switch off AdBlock Plus in Mozilla Firefox

You can download AdBlocker using this link. After process of installation is finished and when you go to website a window will jump out in front of you, where there is a request to switch off extension blocking ads on site. Everything is performed in a similar way to previous browsers:
Let’s switch off AdBlock Plus in Safari
You can download AdBlocker using this link. The installation process is performed in the same way as in above-mentioned browsers, though this browser is a product from MAC. Going to a warning window can not appear, but blocks are cut down all the same. Free ad block software is switched off in such a way like on the picture:
Let’s switch off AdBlock Plus in Internet Explorer
This browser is worthily placed to the last place being not very appealing to users (many use it only for downloading of other browsers). You can download AdBlocker using this link. It is installed as usual application and after installation process finishes you should start it (it will be stated in the lower part of the screen).

Free ad block software is switched off on website in such a way:
One more time it should be emphasized using movie maker with switched off advertisement you deprive administrators of the site of opportunity to earn money and consequently develop resource. Be humane, respect labour of others - switch off block ads, and video editor online will please you with updates and innovations.