In order for you to make a video you will need your own unique material, maybe even not that unique, you can use not your material but its owners will not probably like it. If you will decide To display it as your own and your fans will not like it for the same reason when you will show them this material as your own.
By all means you can use outside multimedia resources but just a little bit.
So you can upload a file:
- From a local computer, tablet, smart-phone on Android, Apple iPhone and iPad
- From social networks, like Facebook and
- By all means to add beautiful pictures of flowers, clouds or ocean landscapes from free stock photos and images collection
- To make your movie more beautiful with the help of lovable music from a free of charge music collection.
In a free version of video editor you can download up to 100 files of a size up to 100 megabits. If you are not going to work with your video, all the files will be deleted automatically from our services in a few days. If you will visit a site every single day downloaded files are going to be saved for a very long time.
So let’s start.
Uploading of a file

Aivazovski will not ever draw his pictures if he wouldn’t see your breathtaking photos from your latest vacation, where you are swimming in a happy ocean breeze. For that matter you have a great chance to prevent a creation of new picture by Aivazovski - share your photos with the whole world. The uploading of photos is made with the help of:
- An outstanding uploading button
- Add plenty of photos from social networks such as Facebook and
- Find royalty free images and photos of a high-quality in free collection
Unfortunately you will not be able please the world with more then 100 photos in one video, in case of a free account, but we think that it is more then enough :). Uploaded photos can be processed, rotate, apply effects and make fun with other sophisticated methods.
Uploading a video

Well, are you ready to shift our Steven Spielberg from a first place on the podium? Let’s go and now we will create a real piece of art:
- Downloading a video with an already mentioned button
- Unfortunately we can not upload clips from different social networks due to some technical difficulties. But you can download a video from the internet with your own hand and then upload it to video editor with the help of great upload button.
After uploading you should edit it completely, because only when you work hard you can achieve success, remember Spilberg and his tribunal. :)
Adding a music

Oh exciting Mozart and rocky sounds of drum-and-bass rhythms (that make it almost impossible to sit calmly reading this dull instruction after that you want to dense immediately) are you ready to adorn my masterpiece? Here are following sources from which you can add music:
- Wide collection of free music - search, listen and add.
- Unforgettable button of uploading, how can we live without it, it allows you to upload music from the computer and Android device, but there may be some difficulties with Apple iPhone and iPad - their proprietary doesn't allow you to upload musical files, in order not to become a musical pirate so no one will have to cut off your ears and mustaches.
Keep away from clipping music from popular modern charts and some kind of hit-parades: we will not interfere into your creation with these top-songs but you ought to think about legality of their usage in your video-clips. Enemy does not rest and he keeps eye on the fraud clips. For instance Youtube can clearly indicate lawfulness of the usage of the music and block video that consists of unlicensed tracks - it will be sad.
Adding of subtitles and text

Ha, do you think we are going to talk about uploading button? Nope, you are actually mistaken, right now we are going to talk about text input field! You should type the text and press the button with plus on it, in a few seconds the typed text will be visible in a field of editing.
And as it turned out we can easily male any kind of transformations with this particular text
Upload files from different devices

For creating one clip the file uploading can be happening from different devices simultaneously, and you will not have to copy file on your computer:
- You should pass the registration, apart from being able to upload file it will give you plenty of benefits.
- Open our video-editor on this device
- Login with your account
- Use the button of uploading
- Refresh video editing page on this device from which it will be easier to create a video.
On every device you ought to upload files under the same account.