1. Add files
Simply drag and drop files onto the page or use the button to add music to photos and pictures. Use the free collections of photos and music if you don't have own files.
MovieMakerOnline.com - add music to photos online, without watermarks, absolutely free with any modern browser on iPhone, Android, macOs, Linux, Windows, and ChromeOS.
It will take less than 5 minutes. Signing up, downloading and installing programs are not required.
Free musiic for video - Joystock - Funky Beach
2. Set duration
The added music will appear on the music track, and the added photo or picture will appear on the main layer.
To instruct the video editor to show your picture throughout the entire added song enable the "Stretch" option.
- How to add fade in and fade out of volume
- How to make slideshow from photos with music
- How to make video with transitions